Stili ammessi

Gli stili ammessi sono solamente quelli elencati in BJCP Style Guidelines 2021

[...] The entrant will specify whether the entry is a pale (SRM 6-9) or a dark (SRM 10-25) version. [...]

*Iscrivere qui birre affumicate su base 10A, 10B, 10C (pale/dark).

[...] The entrant must specify the Base Style or Styles being used, and any special ingredients, processes, or variations involved. The entrant may provide an additional description of the sensory profile of the beer or the vital statistics of the resulting beer. [...]

*Iscrivere qui birre su base 10A, 10B, 10C (pale/dark) con luppolatura molto evidente, con varietà non tedesche, con dry hopping etc.

**Iscrivere qui Eisbock su base 10C (pale/dark).

[...] This is explicitly a catch-all category for any beer that does not fit into an Existing Style description. No beer is ever “out of style” in this style, unless it can be entered in another beer style first. [...] 

[...] Entry Instructions: The entrant must specify the special nature of the experimental beer, including the special ingredients or processes that make it not fit elsewhere in the guidelines. The entrant must provide vital statisticsfor the beer, and either a brief sensory description or a list of ingredients used in making the beer. [...]

*Iscrivere qui birre su base 10A e 10B in versione Kristall (limpida).

**Iscrivere qui birre su base 10A e 10B in versione Leicht (< 4.3% ABV).

***Iscrivere qui Weissbier ambrate (7-13 SRM, amber/deep amber/light copper).
